Max Zara Bernstein is a video artist, sound designer, filmmaker, musician, composer, performer, and interpretive diver.

M A X Z B E R N S T E I N [ A T ] G M A I L [ D O T ] C O M

Max Bernstein (they/them) received a BA in Media Study with a concentration in Film and Video Production, from the University at Buffalo. They also received an MFA in Film Production and Studio Art from the University of Colorado Boulder. They have designed, performed and toured as a video and sound artist with the media-heavy theater company The Wooster Group, and as a video and sound artist filmmaker, and performer with Michelle Ellsworth, Laurie Andersion, Annie Dorsen, Kaki King, Cindy Kleine, Aynsley Vandenbroucke, Sam Kim, Morgan Gould, Becca Blackwell, and James Allister Sprang, collectively touring, collaborating, and presenting on 6 of 7 continents.They are also a lifelong musician/composer/multi-instrumentalist, and an interpretive Scuba Diver. Their research and productions explore intersections of liveness and mediation, exploded cinema, queer futurism, post-human and ecocentric philosophies, the body and the sea. Bernstein is currently a Clinical Assistant Professor of Film and Emerging Media Production in the Sidney Poitier New American Film School at Arizona State University. They also serve as associate director alongside engineer and theoretical mathematician Pavan Turaga for the Geometric Media Lab, a research lab which develops projects at the intersections of media arts, engineering, and embodied design. Bernstein currently resides in Seattle, WA.